What is a developmental assessment
A developmental assessment is the process of mapping a child’s performance by comparing it with a standard . The standard is the average performance of children of similar age.
When should a child be referred for a developmental assessment?
When either the parents or a professional ( for example the teacher ) are worried that the child’s behavior or skills are not typical for age. A good starting point is to listen to parental views and concerns and take these concerns seriously as they are often right .
Such concerns could be :
concerns about the way a child is behaving
concerns about ability to learn new skills for example learning to do things for himself
concerns about the way he or she moves or uses his or her arms or legs
concerns about how the child talks and understands what others say
A child not playing with toys as expected
A child that has stopped doing something he or she could previously do
A child that does not get along with others
How it works
The process takes 2 or 3 visits . The aim is to clarify the nature and extent of the child's difficulties and suggest a realistic management plan. In addition to my own assessment, I always ask for real word observations by those who care for the child. I talk to parents , ask for reports by teachers or speech & language therapists and try to fit all these information into a pattern before reaching a diagnosis and making recommendations .
Are there any blood tests needed ?
Investigations may be needed sometimes like for example genetic testing but not in all cases.
Tools we use
Bayley developmental scales IV
Schedule of growing skills II
Conner’s 3d
Raven’s coloured progressive matrices and vocabulary scales
Ages and stages questionnaires
Childhood Autism Rating Scale ( CARS-2)